Saturday, September 7, 2013

Finding Time to Post

I guess Tom is going to continue torturing me with the current visitor in our house. There’s a frog that we continue to find between the screen and window in our kitchen. Tom is standing out in the kitchen doing nothing to remove him commenting about it eating a large moth. We aren’t on Wild Kingdom get that thing out of there!
Spending some time with friends a few weeks ago. I
can't resist goggle shots!
In other news, we made it through the third week of school! I finally broke down and asked Sidney’s teacher how she’s doing in class. I live in fear that her sensory issues are out of control or she’s being ornery. Last year went very well, however it’s tough to know when she might regress. Also, I think it’s a natural mom thing with a new kindergartener. Her teacher gave me great news. My little turkey burger (what I call her when she’s being ornery) is falling into the routine like a champ.Her sensory issues are there, but we are working to do things to alleviate it.

I just had to stop writing and put down the laptop to give Eli a hug goodnight. Or shall I say avoid being tackled? He thinks it’s particularly amusing to fake like he’s running across the room and act like he’s going to land on me. This would be funny if he weren’t 5’3” and 135 lbs. and really landing on me. My mother informed me a while back it’s his tweenish way of showing affection and that my uncle treated my grandmother in a similar manner. I guess she lived to be 96, so she survived it. He would be VERY upset if he knew I was writing this, but after he does this, he sits with me and tells me about his day. This is the one time during the day when he has my full attention, and it’s going to be a sad day when he doesn’t need to do this anymore.

Eli is young for his class, but he’s always been a big kid. I guess that makes sense since Tom and I are both tall. Our doctor estimated when he was a baby that as an adult he will be 6’5”. I don’t doubt it. Tom was 6 ft  in 6th grade. He passed me in shoe size a couple of years ago. He’s one of the youngest in his class. It’s so sweet when I consider he and Sidney are at opposite ends of the growth chart. That being said, it’s not always easy to be coordinated when you’re this big at this age.

Meanwhile Sidney is under 5% on the growth chart, and we are thrilled. I say this because she was in the negative numbers when she came home and labeled “failure to thrive.” To any other parent that might sound like a very scary scenario, but we are happy she’s simply on it! Our geneticist said a couple of years ago, if she’s on a positive trajectory, it’s fine. The line on her growth chart continues to climb, so we are happy with her progress. This also means our doctor will not be bugging us to go to an endocrinologist to make sure there’s nothing going on. I’m sure as a special needs parent, I’m not alone in thinking, my child is from Southern China, had giardia untreated for months, and was deprived of food. I know I’m not an expert, but it’s going to take a while to catch up!

Time to stop writing and post. Tomorrow is the first day of Sunday School, meaning Tom and I will be chasing upwards of eight 6th graders through a scavenger hunt!

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