Monday, June 18, 2012

Finally, a moment to blog!

We spent 7 glorious, and uninterrupted, days in the north woods. We were so far north, we didn't have cell service! I'll admit, I started sweating a little. No cell service? Then I realized, it was a blessing in disguise. Uninterrupted family time without phones ringing. It was beautiful! I'd like to say we could have stayed anywhere without cell service. I'm ashamed to admit, I enjoy creature comforts. This year I requested something outside of a campsite with a real roof. Not only did I get a roof, I got wifi! 

Today, we decided to swim. I remembered my rambunctious little girl getting overzealous last year in the pool. I had to watch her at all times. Meaning, she doesn't have any fear. She'd barrel into the water without looking twice. But, last year, like my stubborn German self, I decided she wasn't going to need one of the neoprene swim vests I saw other kids sporting in the pool. No, I didn't need one as a kid, and I wasn't buying into the gimmick. Guess who's eating her words? A neoprene swim vest is being shipped. Another mom was visiting with me, observing my struggle. She commented she had the same issue, and she had a swim vest in her size sitting in the car. I'll admit, I tried it thinking it wouldn't work. It's genius! She stays afloat, and she's learning to do more things independently in the water.

Eli is still in the shallow end. He's not ready for over his head, and that's fine. Hopefully, it will be like everything else he takes at his own pace.I've learned to never hurry him.  10 years old is such a combination of growing up but maintaining some amount of innocence. He walked up to me with a serious question while wearing his goggles upside down with water floating on the bottoms. I love it!

I know. I'm backlit!
 OK, back to all things VBS. I'm behind from vacation.

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