Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Dramatic Dentistry

Sidney had her first dental exam today. This was something we should have done last year, but we decided not to put her through anymore doctor’s visits than necessary. Two surgeries was enough. We were curious about the condition of her teeth, given her rough start. Turns out her teeth are fine, and we were given the standard talk about toothpaste and avoiding sweets. Great! We love normal doctor’s visits.

Sidney was too small to lay back in the dental chair, so I had to sit sideways on the chair while holding her lower half. She laid in the dentists lap who confirmed her two year old molars are coming though. This would explain the extra time napping and waking up a couple of times in the night. I am sure they are sore.  During this time, Sidney was not happy. My normally happy girl had crocodile tears as the dentist probed in her mouth. This was only after they were actually able to get her mouth open. We decided to wait six months to clean her teeth since she is so young. The doctor was interested to hear that her two molars make a total of 13 teeth since she came home. She only had the two top and bottom teeth.

We are outside a lot right now, enjoying the 80+ degree weather. Great walks and fun times outside playing in the leaves. Sidney spent an entire walk riding in her stroller examining a leaf. This might not be breaking news, but it is awesome when you are the parent witnessing your child appreciate and explore the world around her.

1 comment:

Rachelle said...

WOW! That's a bunch of new teeth! We still need to get to the dentist. I'm just not ready for yet another doc visit... UGH!