Sunday, July 6, 2014

My Little Fire Cracker

My husband was grumbling as we went out the door to church this morning that we were running late. Much to his chagrin I couldn't find the right shoes. As quickly pulled into our parking spot Sidney said, "We can be late, because I'm fabulous." Real self-esteem issues. To think there was a time before we went to China that I was worried if she had no self-esteem her anomolies would make her a target for teasing. I'm so grateful I have such a bold girl. Now if we can channel she will run a Fortune 500 company. 

Getting ready for the 4th of July parade when I noticed she was clad with her own fashion statement.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Sunshine Day

Sidney asked me to share her picture.  After spending an hour in the basement yesterday for weather this was a cheerful reminder today is another day to be thankful for my house, our good health, and the few limbs down in our yard.