Monday, June 30, 2014

Cousins on a summer day....

It's so special that Sidney has a cousin from China. 10 year old AnDee has a spunky spirit that reminds me of an older Sidney. My heart was full after I heard that the oldest in the swing Ashtyn asked immediately when she showed up when Aunt Cara was coming.  Meanwhile, her sister Adysyn is hard to miss modeling a different piece of everyones jewlery at the cookout.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Pool Rats

One sunburn later, and we have returned from the public pool. I'm the mom lathering with SPF 70, , so as horrified to see Eli's skin. Meanwhile Sidney is prancing around with darker skin than yesterday despite slathering her in the same lotion. Asian skin is a magnet for the sun, but I take care of her skin the same way. I always think about our visit to China when I think of skin and the cultures belief that fair skin is somehow superior. If you're dark it's mean you were somehow inferior having worked in the field. I can't stand this kind of stigma. Totall bologna. 

Friday, June 27, 2014

Toothpaste and Line Test

Eli did an awesome job paddle boarding. 

A week ago Thursday...I am hunkered down in a cabin in northern Wisconsin, enjoying our third visit to this particular location. We get no cell reception! Apart from the many bugbites, it was great. Eli is always loaded with random information and informed me that tooth paste will help itching bites. In despiration, I tried it. It dried it out and gave much needed relief.  

Our first day it northern Wisconsin was cold!

Eli loved all the paddle boarding and kayaking. Had it not been for the life jacket I would not have allowed him to go out into the lake. There's no room for error in water. I'm a decent swimmer, so I am encouraging him this summer to work on real swimming and treading water. He had a negative situation with a life guard at the local pool once, and though he won't admit it, he's afraid. 
My poor baby had a mosquito bite on her eye in this picture, and on the same night her mother was also attacked in the same place!

Sidney was really into fishing this year. She told us the first day she wanted to catch a large mouth bass. Something about seeing them on Wild Kr*tz. 20 minutes later she caught one on her D*ra pole which looked like it was ready to snap like kindling.  
Open our eyes Tom!

Tom caught a similar fish. 
It was by Sidney's feet in the boat. I was bracing myself for her reaction. Instead she calmly observed while picking up a basket which was over half her height,"It sure is floppy." She loves the show Wild Kr*tz, so she was excited to see one in person. 

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Back It Up

I meant to share this a long time ago! Sidney became involved in Girl Scout Daisies this year with me as the fearless leader of 11 girls. Our outing was the police station. Sidney loved when the officer let them push the buttons on the siren!