Monday, February 4, 2013

Nighttime Ramblings

It’s late, and I’m half asleep, but I’m determined to get in a blog. I’m solo for the next couple of hours while Tom works very late. It’s 10pm. Something about the remodel at our local car dealership and needing to install the system that sucks the exhaust out of the back of the car while it’s being worked on inside. Things I never knew, but I guess all this has to take place while they are closed. Therefore in a few minutes I will become one with the couch while listening to the din of my favorite nighttime viewing, old episodes of Fr*sier.

Sidney went from puke funk to a cold. I can’t believe I’m about to write this, but frankly the kid produces more snot than anyone I’ve ever seen. She’s such a healthy kid. She typically only has a cold for about four days. I’ve never seen anything like it. While the rest of us are hacking and coughing upwards of seven days she has an almost freakish way of being completely rid of something in a few short days. She’s only been on antibiotics twice since she came home.  Knock on something, she has only missed one day of school this year, and this was only because she had the stomach flu which only lasted for about a day.
 My cub scout became a boy scout over the weekend. Do you ever wish you could freeze time? I don’t know if this comes from the fact that Sidney is going to kindergarten next fall if everything goes as planned that’s another reminder my kids are growing up. Sometimes I wish I could freeze it all. Especially this age in preschool. I could still be a superhero in her eyes. I don’t ever want it to change!

Time to close my eyes. 

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