Monday, January 30, 2012

And so it continues....

If you didn’t read my post, yesterday scroll back and get an idea of what’s going on. I’ve been seeking answers about Sidney. And in the last 24 hours, I have witnessed how quickly information and answers are accessed through friends, forums, and FaceBook. I’ve been given a ton of information. There’s a connectedness in the China program, and between adoptive parents, in general. It was the validation and understanding I need. And for the most part, it was nice to not hear my favorite response to anything concerning attachment or sensory issues. “Isn’t that just a 3 year old thing?” Insert the sound bite of me screaming. 
My scientist demonstrating.
I received a ton of information from other China parents in the same situation. My motivation seeking information was obviously to make things easier for Sidney but also, because this particular issue is typically misdiagnosed as autism. However, only about 20% of kids with sensory issues actually fall on the autism spectrum.  I’m relieved, we are starting to figure all of this out before she’s any older.  Yes, she could grow out of some of it, but there are still a lot of 6-8 yr olds with the same issues. So, if we figure out the best way to work with it, all the better.  

 On the way to school today, we had our regular talk. “Try to stay on your square. Don’t interrupt Mrs H. while she’s talking to the class. Try not to pick and poke your friends. And you know, it’s not appropriate to tackle other kids.” Only today, our conversation changed. Instead I said, “sweetie, is it hard not to touch the other kids sometimes?” Sidney paused and said, “mommy, I can’t help it.” OK, we are headed in the right direction.

Mom = You WILL let me take a picture together!
Wow! That was heavy stuff. So, I’ll continue posting some of the ideas I have received in the coming days.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Looking forward to gleaning from your research. Thank for sharing!