Monday, July 11, 2011

Silence on the Homefront

Eli made it home safely from Boy Scout camp. Though I enjoyed the quiet, it was like my right arm was missing.  The energy was gone from our house. Ei’s feet hit the ground running. This doesn’t stop until he falls over at night. And it’s not a hyper obnoxious sort of energy. Eli is a kid’s kid, and he has had the luxury of growing up without much of the worry pervading kids his age. If his Legos table isn’t touched, he has food in his stomach, and mom is giving him jobs to earn marbles for his jar (earning a DS), he is HAPPY! 

Life is tough in my mismatched PJ's.
I only received one call that put my heart into my throat. After saying little more than “hello” I quickly turned to “what’s wrong?” No news is good news, if a child is at camp. I assumed the number on caller ID meant a broken bone.  “I’m on speaker phone with Eli. Does he get nosebleeds?” Heart can stop beating out of my chest, and breathing is resuming normalcy! "Yes, he gets nosebleeds from his allergies in the summer."  After a few questions, he was off to whatever adventure awaited. I resisted the urge to squeal through the speaker phone with additional one on one advice.  

Sidney was whinier than normal over the weekend. It was likely a reaction to her brother’s absence. He is very much a security blanket. If brother is doing it, it must be ok. I wouldn’t say she really relaxed the entire weekend until Eli was home.  

Eli is taking a huge interest in Chinese. I have no idea what he copied. Hopefully, nothing offensive!
Over the weekend, we splashed in the local pool. This is the only way to be comfortable outside in the humidor. This is what Tom and I call humid Midwest weather. Sidney has zero fear of the water. That’s great, but it is a bit frightening for mom. I also have zero fear, but as an adult, I have learned a healthy respect. And she would rather go into the big pool than the kiddie pool.  Eli also loves the water, but he needs more time to get used to swimming. Lessons refine technique and teach safety, but I know the real reason I can swim is the hours I spent in the water.

Off to Monday!

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