Sunday, May 23, 2010

My Favorite Boy

A combination of too much sugar during our nieces graduation open house, rows of cupcakes sitting in the kitchen for school birthday treats, an 8th birthday tomorrow, and getting out of Thursday have caused Eli’s excitement level to go into overdrive. Eli attends a small Catholic school and his entire class, the secretary, principal, and anyone else gets a treat. This means mom copious amounts of cupcakes. What fun to be 8 years old!

I try not to remind myself it has been 8 years. I sat in my living room watching VH1 Diva’s Live, hoping the base from the TV might throw me into labor. It seems like I blinked my eyes, and I have an 85 lb son sitting next to me. This is something I am very aware of when he comes in for one of his famous hugs. Eli likes to sprint across the room and jump into my lap, the same way he did when he was 3 years old.

The doctor wanted to induce labor a week prior, however I let her know that he was like his father, in no rush, and he would come in his own time. I was given a deadline to be induced. The morning before I was to go in, I went into labor. At 4 am, Tom and I were walking the curbs around our neighborhood trying to get the beginning stages of labor going strong. By 7am, we were driving to the hospital and an hour later we knew we were staying. 19 hours after the whole ordeal began, Eli was born. This was only after I convinced the doctor to let me push 10 more minutes before going in for a C section, as Eli once again took his own sweet time. If you were to meet Eli today, he is much the same, never in a hurry and always saying, “Mom, don’t rush me!”

This was the same line I heard today as we headed out the door to our niece Alie's graduation. Her sister AnDee is from Jianxgi privince. Tom and I were already motivated to adopt, however after witnessing my sister and brother-in-law, we decided to move forward with China. Jiangxi province is east of Sidney’s Hunan province. AnDee is a spunky kindergartener, and I love to see her eyes light up when she sees Sidney. This is special for so many reasons, but as my sister-in-law reminded me tonight, their provinces relative proximity to one another was meant to be.

I am off to frost another batch of cupcakes.

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